Tuesday, February 3, 2009

And, I now have compassion for my parents, who sat through millions of talent shows

Friday, Caleb and his fellow young padawan (I have no clue if that's spelled correctly) learners will make their debut at the school talent show. Lip synching to Wierd Al Yankovich's classic "YODA," they will wield light sabers and dance around like the mad rock and roll stars that they are.

Then, we get to watch 33 more acts.

Including Alex's cheerleading exhibition where she and two girlfriends cheer for the fictitious team the, "Puppies."

Of course, I'll scream and cheer my heart out.

So, I'm bringing some Ibuprofen.


  1. I enjoyed every moment of the millions of talents shows we sat through! Some of my best memories!
    Wish we were there to see the Howerton "Stars".

  2. the girls' school had a talent show this year while I was homebound. i was told it lasted 2.5 hrs. (yikes)
    jocelyn sang a Hannah Montana song by herself. kate and her friends sang an HM song too. i can still hear her singing "Don't ya wish that you could be a fly on the WALLLL (wall is sung with LOTS of vibrato)?"


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